Fú Blessings Series Bowls & Cups

The character Fú (福) represents fortune, good luck, blessing and occasionally it implies joy. Most commonly utilised during Chinese New Year celebrations, when it is hung upside down on the entryway of many Chinese homes. Because the meanings “upside down” and “to arrive” are virtually fully homophonic or “they sound the same” in practically all Chinese dialects, the character Fu literally signifies “good fortune arrives” when hung in this manner. Consequently, hanging the symbol upside down has come to signify a household’s hope for good fortune, happiness, and wealth in the New Year.

  • Fú Blessings Series Large Bowl

    0 out of 5
    $13.80 inc. GST
  • Fú Blessings Series Medium Bowl

    0 out of 5
    $7.80 inc. GST
  • Fú Blessings Series Large Cup

    0 out of 5
    $11.80 inc. GST
  • Fú Blessings Series Small Cup

    0 out of 5
    $6.80 inc. GST
  • Fú Blessings Series Small Bowl

    0 out of 5
    $5.80 inc. GST

The use of the character Fú in various types of calligraphy and seal characters, such as paper-cuts or posters, signifies the hope that one’s good fortune would be vast and manifest in several ways. Chinese fabrics and pottery frequently represent this felicitous message by depicting random numbers of flying bats, which can sometimes exceed a hundred.